Thursday, May 16, 2013

Opening Weekend Reminders for May 17th and 18th

Cast & Crew are called to the theater at 6:00pm on Friday, May 17th!
  • Please come with underclothing on and your hair done.  
  • Remember to eat before coming to the theater.  
  • Secret Pals start opening night, so bring a $1 gift or note for your secret pal.
  •  You may bring snacks and eat them during intermission.  
  • Remember to bring clothing to change into for the Opening Night Party!

Committee Work?  Those committees needing to set up for the weekend(refreshments, auction, souvenirs, box office) may arrive at 5pm.  We ask that you please keep your children with you at all times. Please do not enter the building to set up before your show coordinator, Sarah Williams, is there.

This Friday is our OPENING NIGHT PARTY! Sign-up list items can be dropped off in the Fort Vancouver High School Cafeteria just before the end of the show. We do not have coolers or refrigerators available. If your food needs to be kept cold, please keep a cooler in your car. 
The cost of admission is $5.00 per family, which many of you already paid for, but it's not too late to pay at the door if you'd like to come. This is a FUN celebration for the cast/crew and families. It's a tradition to bring 'dress up' clothes to change into for the party (not required by any means, just if you want to). There will be great fellowship, music, dancing, and food. The party will start as soon as the cast/crew are changed, show boxes cleaned up, and cleaning duties are taken care of.

REMINDER from our Show Chair: It's not too late to pitch in for the Artistic Team Appreciation gifts, please help us bless their socks off!  There is a donation envelope located in the Magic Box.  Suggested donation of $5 to $10. Make checks to Lynette Carver

Saturday May 18th

Cast & Crew are called to the theater at 6:00pm.  
  • Please come with underclothing on and your hair done.  
  • Bring your secret pal gift if you are doing  secret pals. 
  • Remember to eat before coming to the theater. 
  • You may bring snacks and eat them during intermission.